In your journey to financial freedom, you can purchase one of the various account types and start the challenge.
Reach 8% or 5% profit? Trades close instantly to secure gains. Perfect for disciplined traders who hate micromanaging exits.
Trade SOL, ADA, XRP, DOGE, and 50+ altcoins with 1:5 leverage. Dive into crypto’s volatility without platform-hopping.
EUR/USD and GBP/USD start at 0.1 pips. Crypto spreads from 0.1 pips. Keep more profit, pay less to brokers!
Begin small, dream big. Transparent pricing: Forex $2/lot, crypto 0.0175%. No scaling fees, no surprises.
Phase 1: Grow 8%. Phase 2: Grow 5%. Clear goals, no guesswork. Pass both, unlock Live funding in hours.
Lion Funded always comes with new things and opportunities for traders. After that when you make your profit target you can get your new phase accounts on the same day without any trading days limit!
You might be new to trading, or you could be very experienced. It doesn't matter! No matter what stage you're at, you can enjoy smooth trading with Lionfunded (swap-free accounts, raw spreads, 24/7 support, and more) and grow your capital!
When you hit 8% (Phase 1) or 5% (Phase 2), open trades close automatically. Your gains are locked instantly.
BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA, XRP, DOGE + 50+ altcoins.
Yes! On EUR/USD & GBP/USD during peak hours. Crypto starts at 0.1 pips (e.g., BTC/USD: 0.1 pips).
Yes! Gold, Oil, SPX, NASDAQ with 1:20 leverage. Zero commissions on indices.
No. Close opposing positions within 30 seconds to avoid penalties.
No. Manual strategies only. Bots trigger instant bans.
Every 30 days after 3 profitable days (0.5%+ daily gains).